Submit an idea for a flashMOOC

We create interactive videos with high-quality animations and video production for students and the world. Out productions reach broad audience and have won awards at international competitions.


For the University of Bern, flashMOOCs are a way to communicate about interesting and up-to-date researching and teaching on societally relevant and scientifically current topics to the outside world.

For you as a researcher or teacher, flashMOOCs are a possibility to publish your research or teaching content online, in a first class media production. By publishing you can draw national and international attention on you and your topics. Additionally, you can incorporate the project in your teaching.

Conditions of participation

To submit an idea for a flashMOOC you must be doing research or teaching at the University of Bern. Contact us via if you have any questions.


  1. You submit your idea with the submission form.
  2. We review all entries and decide which projects to pursue.
  3. We will contact you regarding the next steps.
  4. Start of the project (duration and scope vary; approx. 6 to 12 months).